What We Do

Industry at Large


The Association represents Toronto based Employers in the negotiation and administration of six civil trade collective agreements. All six agreements are province-wide in nature and cover Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (I.C.I.) construction and are of three years duration with a common expiry date with the next anniversary being April 30th, 2013.

The Association receives approximately 150 formal grievances per year with a large majority of those settled at first step grievance meetings in the Association`s offices conducted by the staff together with the affected employer. Matters not resolved in the Association`s offices are often referred to the Ontario Labour Relations Board where the staff works with the employers and officers of the Board in mediation meetings and finally in referrals to binding determination before panels of the Ontario Labour Relations Board. Unresolved cases referred for decision are usually limited to two or three per year.

In addition to collective bargaining and grievance resolution the Association appoints employer trustees to twelve (12) jointly trusteed multi-employer benefit plans providing benefits to workers including retirement pensions, life insurance, dental and drug insurance, Long Term Disability payments and training and apprenticeship programmes. All trustees are involved in educational programmes provided by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans.

Association staff also contributes their services to a broad range of other associations, councils and boards of like purposes to the Association at the municipal, provincial, national and international level. All of those organizations have some component related to construction labour relations or employee pension and benefit design and administration.